Experience benefits for body and mind

Your wellness hotel with sauna & steam bath

Your insider tip in Franconia among hotels with sauna, steam bath & day SPA

The healing and invigorating effect of a sauna is undisputed. The very high temperatures to which you are exposed for a certain period of time stimulate the body’s metabolism and lead to profuse sweating. This has several important effects. Among other things, sweat removes toxins from the body during the so-called purification process and cleanses the pores and skin in the process. After a visit to the sauna, the skin looks fresher and feels healthier. At the Neumühle Resort & SPA, there are suitable temperatures for almost every body type and, thanks to different modes of action, several types of sauna. Your hotel with sauna in Franconia.

Opening hours:

Our world of relaxation:

Experience showers

With many functions


Up to 95° C


To take a deep breath

Steam bath

High humidity

Our different saunas

Free your body and mind from everyday life with mild to hot temperatures

If you are still looking for a place in the Hammelburg area where you can combine regular swimming with subsequent rest and relaxation, we recommend our Day SPA offers. Diving in, taking time for each other and letting the romance run free is best done in a wellness hotel. Surprise your partner and disappear for a few days in one of our cozy rooms.

Finnish sauna

Benefits: Stimulates the metabolism, strengthens the immune system, relaxes the muscles, dilates the blood vessels, increases the heart rate

Finnish sauna

The classic among saunas is definitely the Finnish sauna. The original form of sauna at the Hotel Neumühle Resort & SPA is also the sweating room with the highest temperature. At up to 95 degrees Celsius, we recommend a cold shower and an intensive rest break after a maximum of 15 minutes in the sauna.


Only a few hotels in Franconia with a sauna also have a sanarium. This special type of sauna combines the advantages of a classic sauna and a steam bath. The sanarium has moderate temperatures with higher humidity. At around 65 degrees Celsius, you can sweat within twenty minutes to improve your blood pressure, care for your skin and relax your airways.


Benefits: Reduction of blood pressure, skin care, relaxation of the respiratory tract, strengthening of the circulation, stimulation of the metabolism

Experience showers and ice fountain

A short shower is recommended before and after going into the sauna. The Neumühle experience showers make this short cold shock a real treat. As the body temperature rises by up to one degree during the sauna, you should not take a shower immediately, but move around a little first.